About this site

The Analogue Technologist is an independent and personal blog launched in May 2024 by Max Mortillaro. Max is co-owner of TECHunplugged, a boutique analyst and content creation company focusing on enterprise technology.

Max is currently located in Czech Republic where he lives with his family, his cats, and his currently unused film cameras.

The website name has a long story (see the "genesis" section of my first blog post) and was probably a nod from my now passed away father to that car, and to the khamsin wind as well (since my father was born and grew up in Tunisia). He was the instigator for the original website name, at a time when I was merely 20 years old and starting "designing" websites. (I figured out only years later.. ehm).

A portrait photography of Max Mortillaro smiling, sporting a beard and wearing glasses.

The front page picture (Maserati Khamsin) comes from Wikimedia and is allegedly CC-BY-SA-3.0, although the author does not exist anymore. If this picture violates your intellectual property rights, please let me know so I can take it down without due delay.